Hey there car rental Boss!

Our fleet management and booking software ensures seamless operations for your car rental business.

Manage your Car Rental like a PRO

Contact us today and claim your FREE Car Rental Website along with our powerful CRM “Automate+”

Car Rental Website

*Limited slots available! 

Automate your
car rental business

Fleet Management
Complete control of your fleet in real-time with just a simple click
24/7 Online Bookings
No more answering the phone at all hours of the day to manage reservations
100% Automated
Say goodbye to Excel sheets, paperwork, and complicated calendars.

Your Better Bigger Faster Management System

Automate+ boasts a 95% customer satisfaction rate.

Let’s take an average company with a fleet of 40 vehicles that operates without automated software like ours.


15 min

Manual Reservation

On average, the time needed to fill out the paper version of the customer and reservation form.

15 min

Manually checking vehicle availability

Average time needed to calculate the vehicles available on the requested dates including sending to the customer

44 sec

Automatic Reservation

Our system puts all your data on a single, easy-to-update card. Find what you need instantly

15 sec

Automatic email or SMS confirmations

Our CRM “Automate+” can generate a complete list of requested cars in just a few clicks, including all the necessary data, ready to be sent via WhatsApp or similar.

Tired of managing your fleet manually?

Imagine having a personal assistant for your fleet. 

Our platform tracks availability, schedules maintenance, and optimizes your workflow.

  • 24/7 bookings

    Let your clients reserve their dream car anytime, anywhere, from any device

  • Boost your income!

    No more missed opportunities. Capture every reservation with our seamless online booking system.

Real-Time tracking and monitoring

  • Real-time fleet insights

    You can instantly track vehicle location, maintenance status, and availability, eliminating guesswork and optimizing resource allocation

  • Intuitive booking platform

    Clients can reserve vehicles seamlessly, while agents enjoy a user-friendly interface for managing reservations and updates.

We've helped car rental businesses like yours achieve remarkable success

it's a promise based on real results

Client Testimonials

95% of Automate+ customers are satisfied with the platform. But what does that really mean? For them, Automate+ has been a game-changer.

Before Automate+, managing appointments and client communication was a time-consuming mess. Now, with their intuitive interface and automated systems, my business runs smoothly and efficiently.
David - Queen Car Rental
As a small business owner, I didn't have the resources or the expertise to manage a complex website and CRM. Automate+ offered a simple and cost-effective solution. I can now edit content, add products, and manage bookings directly from their user-friendly platform. This has allowed me to maintain a professional online presence without the technical headaches
John - Rentoday
Online, 24/7. Fleet? Tracked, maintained, optimized. Customers? Smiling, thanks to speedy checkouts and clear billing. My business is smoother than a freshly waxed convertible. Trust me, you won't regret it!
Michael - Happyday


Request your free demo today!

All-in-One Solution

AutoMate+ and FREE Car Rental Website

Contact us today and claim your FREE Car Rental Website along with our powerful CRM “Automate+”

Claim the Offer!!

*Limited slots available!