Category: Website Development

BY: Ismail

10 Time-Saving AI Tools for Developers

In our fast-paced digital world, the demand for innovative and efficient solutions in the field of development is higher than ever. AI-powered tools, offering capabilities like code completion, security vulnerability identification, and code generation across various programming languages, are revolutionizing how developers work. As we delve into the realm of artificial intelligence, it becomes clear […]

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Next.js vs React
BY: Ismail

Next.js vs React: Comprehensive Comparison for Better Decision Making

Next.js stands as a stellar example of the evolution in web development technologies, having garnered immense popularity since its inception in 2016. Thanks to its lightning-fast capabilities, it’s become the go-to React framework for powerhouse streaming sites like Hulu and Netflix, securing its place in the highly competitive landscape of web applications development. It’s this […]

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BY: Ismail

Creating Dynamic Gradients in Tailwind CSS with Bg Blur Tailwind

Tailwind CSS, known for its utility-first approach, empowers creators to craft customized designs with an array of low-level utility classes that cater to every design need, from layout and typography to animation and accessibility. At the heart of Tailwind CSS’s popularity among developers and designers is its robust support for creating visually stunning gradients, offering […]

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